

    Posted by ravun on 3rd of Jun 2009 at 11:10 am


    Yeah, it is powerful stuff,

    Posted by brophy on 3rd of Jun 2009 at 11:36 am

    Yeah, it is powerful stuff, the EWs and MOB is most impressive. Take a reading off a last pivot (like a W3) and you get an incredibly accurate reading. It's basd on Fib agorithums.


    Posted by ravun on 3rd of Jun 2009 at 12:47 pm

    Whats that bit?

    Ravun: It's called the Make or

    Posted by brophy on 3rd of Jun 2009 at 01:11 pm


    It's called the Make or break" or MOB, you'll find it under "lines". It's default color is Blue and purple. Once a pivot point is hit, (it works from any pivot point no matter how small) let's say a wave 3 down is hit and the market bounces up to make a retracement toward W4, you click on that previous W 3 point and you'll get the target for your W5 completion. Though most times it will keep going through W5 and expand that wave. Just try it on any of the timeframes for the downturn we've had today. It's a cool tool and fun.

    hope that helps.



    Posted by ravun on 3rd of Jun 2009 at 01:23 pm

    Thank u


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