Posted by rgoodwin on 18th of May 2009 at 11:28 am

    Does anyone have any idea about this. I have a wireless mouse that is getting hung up. I move but it does not. I have changed batteries, don't know what could be causing this. It's on a PC that doesn't have a bunch of data running so it's not overload. TIA for any advice, thoughts.

    How to Clean a Wireless Mouse

    Posted by fran on 18th of May 2009 at 12:09 pm

    Robin - my mother had the same problem with her wireless mouse a couple of months ago.  Found the link below (or one with similar instructions).  It worked, may or may not solve your mouse problem.


    How to Clean a Wireless Mouse


    Posted by ravun on 18th of May 2009 at 12:01 pm

    underneath your receiver for the wireless mouse/keyboard is a CONNECT switch, there is also one under the them both and try again..the receiver is not "seeing" the mouse

    pc help

    Posted by ptbouras on 18th of May 2009 at 11:33 am

    have you taken out the USB stick and then replugging? how about a restart?


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