Has anyone else noticed

    EOD Mechancail Systems Page Real Time

    Posted by blue on 13th of May 2009 at 11:19 am

    ...that the position of the crosses on the Mechanical Systems Charts can shift as new data comes in?  I swear that I saw the EMA's on the 15 min SRS system (from Matt's sticky post) cross over on the 9:00 candle today, but now that the day has gone on, the position of the cross has shifted backwards so that the cross looks like it occured yesterday!


    Vaguely reminiscent of Animal Farmwhere the rules posted on the side of the barn tended to change with time.


    Anyway, so far I'm glad I took this trade.  But the day is young.....



    My guess is it looks

    Posted by bkout3 on 13th of May 2009 at 11:44 am

    My guess is it looks like that because the 9ema is getting steeper with the move. Can really only judge the signal by reading the ema values at at the close of the candles which still indicates cross as today  since 9ema value<=39ema value at close yesterday.

    I have also noticed that

    Posted by philosoraptor on 13th of May 2009 at 11:46 am

    I have also noticed that some of the candles change size and shape in retrospect - is it because freestockcharts.com gets its data only from BATS Exchange? This represents about 10% of total traded volume, so is in effect a representative sample. Maybe it updates total volume from other exchanges on a delayed basis, thereby 'updating' certain candles and even slightly changing the time of EMA cross over. Whatever, I prefer a more sinister explanation... Tongue out


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