Thanks BLOG

    Posted by cspirit on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 03:34 pm

    I'm done trading for the day ....  I'm up for the day unbelieveable

    The Old me would have sold/bought at the wrong time on a day like today in the past.  Today I didn't emotion trade much ..  I knew where the fib levels were and where that MAJOR ress. area was so I could trade without worries.

    BPT great site  ----


    Posted by airstream on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 03:47 pm

    I have been following your trades and posts and just have to commend you on your  great  trades ins a very difficult markets. Kudos  Are you flat or are you takeing some SRS   long   at the close ?

    I'm taking some home ....

    Posted by cspirit on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 03:50 pm

    I'm taking some home .... Small Share size as I cannot trade Thursday.

    ( I have to work my real job and will be out of the Home office)


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