It would be great if

    To the penny...

    Posted by darnelds on 16th of Apr 2009 at 03:58 pm

    It would be great if Matt could share some insight again about how and where to place stops.  Make it a sticky post in Education. 

      Remember there are two ways

    Posted by matt on 16th of Apr 2009 at 09:05 pm


    Remember there are two ways to play stocks: 1. you attempt to buy as close to support or resistance as possible so that you can have a tight stop, or 2. you don't try to pick the bottom and you wait for a confirmed break of support resistance (in this case resistance is the downtrend line and the ROC going over zero. 


    There is no one right way, it's your choice.  When you try to pick bottoms and tops, you get stopped out a lot, that's the nature of it, nothing wrong with it.  However  you do it as close to support/resistance as possible so that if you are stopped out, it's a very small loss.  when you go against the trend, be prepared to be stopped out.  Others prefer to buy when a stock breaks resistance or short when support is lost.

    Some examples:  CAR on the Watch List is an example of buying once resistance is taken out.  For CAR that would mean buying at 1.10 or 1.11. 

    OIL on the watch list was a 'buy low near support with an intial stop just below the lows.


    Now once you are in a play that is working, either long or short, you have to decide if you want to day trade it or swing trade it.  Since the Watch List is set up for mostly swing trades let's cover how I cover swing trading on the watch list. 


    First off, on the watch list, it is our practice to take 1/2 off on the first good move and then reset the initial stop to the entry price or just a little below it, this practice ensures that the trade will be profitable, even if you are stopped out because you sold 1/2 already for higher prices. 


    Take OIL on the watch list for example.  We bought it low with an intial stop just below the all time lows.  Then after a good first move up to resistance, 1/2 was sold and the stop on the remaing position was moved up to the entry price (a profit was now insured).  Next, notice 4 number labels that I have on the chart, those are the successive higher lows.  So each time a higher is put in (for shorts it would be the lower lows), you then move your stop to each successive higher low for longs and lower lows for shorts, until you are eventually stopped out.  This will keep you in the trade and the trend for as long as possible, sometimes for months.  We have been in the OIL trade since Feb 19th, that's almost 2 months DBC is another example of this as well .


    Next, here is CAR from the watch list that broke out today, read my comments:  Apr 16th: Nice move on great volume!  Either take your nice profits and move on (33% in one day), or sell 1/2 and put a stop in at least at your entry to ensure a profit, your choice.  Next resistance is 2.1 and then the 200 day MA

    Thanks for the guide

    Posted by lila on 17th of Apr 2009 at 11:20 am


    Your guidance on support & resistance buying was much appreciated. Laughing


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