Hey Robin

    Posted by ravun on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:03 pm

    YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the food

    Posted by rgoodwin on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:14 pm

    YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the food in SA - and actually throughout Africa. Just different enough from anything here. If you have a photo of some nicely grilled to perfection Steenbok please share that as well!


    Posted by ravun on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:21 pm

    I believe I have been

    Posted by rgoodwin on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:32 pm

    I believe I have been to that exact place from where your photo was taken - at least close. giraffe is also yummy, zebra, ostrich, stuff we are not going to get where I live. Hell I can't even get a decnt CLAM in Las Vegas.

    I'm hungry

    Posted by ralph on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:09 pm

    I can see a nice white bordeaux or a savignon blanc sitting next to that beautiful dinner  WOW, and I'm here, eating a slice of pizza!


    Ravun, That doesn't make me jealous!

    Posted by chlo888 on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:04 pm


    That doesn't make me jealous! I like your charts much better!

    It should

    Posted by ravun on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:07 pm

    cos I cook 10 times better than I trade...)))

    But here is latest 5 min DOW


    Posted by jcbpp on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:15 pm

    ravun... we would make a good team, then. i can eat 10x better than i trade! ;)

    edit: umm, i guess that's not saying much. let's just say i can eat! :)



    Posted by ravun on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:24 pm

    I love food...anytime u out this part of the World, let me know..we can go crazy...))))


    Posted by jcbpp on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:43 pm


    Absolutely would love to do that one day. One day I hope I can catch one of these major waves the "right way" to pay my way, instead of kicking out of it or "going over the falls" as surfers would say.

    A lot of people who enjoy visiting the coastal areas in CA and Hawaii, have raved about their visits to SA. That's saying quite a lot! :)

    Also, I extend the same invite to anyone visiting san francisco.



    Posted by rgoodwin on 27th of Mar 2009 at 03:01 pm

    I have been to Africa at least 10 times in the past few years. There is IMHO no more beautiful city on the planet than Cape Town South Africa. It combines the best features of the other beautiful cities you have seen or read about - absolutely stunning. And for anyone else out there...If you do nothing else in your life - you MUST visit Africa at least once - and not just to Cape Town, or just South Africa. You absolutely need to go experience the wildlife, the people, the cultures, and sure, the cities, wine and food too - don't die without getting there - at least once. And children are especially taken with the experience especially if they get to visit a local school.

    I couldn't agree more about

    Posted by puma on 27th of Mar 2009 at 03:16 pm

    I couldn't agree more about visiting Africa! My wife and I did about 2 weeks of safari in Botswana last year. Incredible experience -- truly something everyone should find a way to do at least once in their life. It was our first time in Africa -- can't wait to go back. Maybe we'll make it to Cape Town next time -- would love to see it. Ravun -- would be pleased to pay for a few rounds at your favorite watering hole. Least I can do for those great charts!


    Posted by ravun on 27th of Mar 2009 at 03:12 pm

    That's why I live here, but wouldn't mind a 40 ft yacht "parked" in Pirates cove, carib for 3 months of the year...full trading/sat on board of course.

    Ok...am out of here, have a great weekend all

    big boat

    Posted by jcbpp on 27th of Mar 2009 at 04:02 pm

    big boat

    Ravun... will this work for ya? i hear it's for sale in the $30M range, give or take a few million. :)

    From a couple hundred yards away, it's simply an amazing toy! Classic, beautiful and simple modern lines. Donald Trump would hate this thing! :)



    Or maybe if you prefer

    Posted by lachasse on 27th of Mar 2009 at 04:21 pm

    Or maybe if you prefer to motor maybe you could put in offer on this beauty. Rumor is owner Norman Braman lost over $50 million to Madoff.


    I know someone who has a

    Posted by delane on 27th of Mar 2009 at 04:36 pm

    big shipping container boat, and he has put up big sales on all his boats to conserve on fuel.  He said it works really well going to china, not too well coming to the USA. I think its a great idea to conserve fuel.....is this the longest week in history?


    Posted by ravun on 27th of Mar 2009 at 02:57 pm

    in USA..Mavericks?..not a surfer

    But here is "Dungeons"..a big wave spot in SA



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