mechanical systems

    Posted by jd111 on 27th of Mar 2009 at 01:35 pm

    Matt/Steve, when you say: When the fast MA crosses below the slow MA, go Short, are you saying (for example) sell SSO & buy SDS?

    steve matt mechanical

    Posted by RM686 on 27th of Mar 2009 at 01:41 pm

    also to add to this question I have been using the same moving averages both for the sso and sds. Is this wrong . Should I only look at the sso to take a position in the sds??

    I also do the same for the qld and qid?

    I guess this question 2006 on the mechinacal systems.

    no, just use the signals

    Posted by matt on 27th of Mar 2009 at 01:44 pm

    no, just use the signals from the MA's on the SSO chart.  For the SRS system, use the signals from the MA's on that chart, not on the reverse ETF

    I buy SSO and short

    Posted by matt on 27th of Mar 2009 at 01:38 pm

    I buy SSO and short SSO, I have them on automatic and it was easier to program that way.


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