

    Posted by rgoodwin on 26th of Mar 2009 at 10:03 am

    Which time frame - which Strategy? Please try to be specific when posting so we can help you without guessing.

    15 min. eod 9/39 ema.

    Posted by bruce2 on 26th of Mar 2009 at 10:07 am

    15 min. eod 9/39 ema. Now I show it crossing back down. Am I reading Matts chart correctly?

    Bruce2 -  It looks to

    Posted by blue on 26th of Mar 2009 at 10:23 am

    Bruce2 -  It looks to me that you may be looking at the wrong lines on the SRS charts.....   The relevant EMA lines are the dark red and dark blue lines that are superimposed on the candles of the SRS values.  They haven't crossed, (whereas QLD's have).  At least that's how I'm reading the situatiion. 

    Thanks. know what I'm doing

    Posted by bruce2 on 26th of Mar 2009 at 11:02 am

    Thanks. know what I'm doing wrong now.


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