Yes, today the market definitely fools people.  The day looks so much like yesterday.  I bet many people were getting killed like me in the afternoon shorting.


    remember - the market exists

    Posted by canadianguy on 17th of Mar 2009 at 10:57 pm

    remember - the market exists to screw up as many people as possible, that is what it does.

    the reason it is so tough to make money is that it makes no sense. the downtrend was relentless, just going down and down and down, so personally i wouldn't buy skf over $175, and it went all the way up to $260. Then i wouldn't buy UYG over $2 after owning it at $1.50, now it is over $2.50...

    yesterday the nasdaq had a bearish engulfing candle and a reversal day. The spx had a serious reversal day. the market was down this morning, everything was in place for a down day. then we get a move up that looks like it will fade at the end of the day, so we get a  huge up day! 

    on the way down the market was too easy for shorts, just short every pop and make money. that worked for awhile, now those shorts have been burned. now it is too easy for longs, just buy every drop and make money. the market will make sure now to make it hard for longs and shorts, probably in a trendless triangle of some sort...

    i am net long a wee bit on fas and bgu, hoping for a 15-20 point move in spy before the fed announcement tomorrow, then either a serious reversal or a continuation into the close that will probably be the top of this wave.

    that being said, maybe that is too obvious, but it worked for the last 8 fed meetings so i am hoping it works for one more day

    Thank's just that I

    Posted by ndtrade123 on 17th of Mar 2009 at 11:07 pm

    Thank's just that I got some beginner's luck from last week and thought the advice of this site like gospel.  Of course, there is no promise in life and no free lunch.  I am learning the hard way today.  Only the market god knows where the market goes.  The key is to have structure in one's trading.  I don't have stop loss or profit target in place whenever I make a trade.  I just thought to ride the trend.  For a day like today where the trend didn't show itself for a long while, it's hard.  Maybe for a day like this, I will not trade or trade for small small profits, instead of thinking to ride the leveraged ETFs for significant gains.  These 3X products can be your best friends and can be your worst enemies, too.

    canadianguy- well said!  That about

    Posted by vmath on 17th of Mar 2009 at 11:02 pm

    canadianguy- well said!  That about sums it up! 


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