SPX 6 min chart.png my 6

    Posted by matt on 17th of Mar 2009 at 12:27 pm

    my 6 min SPX from TS, nice siganls again this morning, gave a short yesterday and a long right in the morning, but to me still has that bear flag look to it. 

    Matt Can one make anything out

    Posted by shellysan on 17th of Mar 2009 at 12:59 pm


    Can one make anything out of low SPY vol this am?  No buyer conviction?

    Lowest since the rally began.  Thanks

    DPO signal?

    Posted by johnc4b13 on 17th of Mar 2009 at 12:36 pm

    Matt, is DPO signal in Tradestation? if so, where can I find it?


    Please advise

    TS Signals

    Posted by geotex on 17th of Mar 2009 at 12:35 pm

    I hope you'll let us know early on, long/short signals indicated by your TS charts. Also would like to see the same with $RUT. You guys are doing a great job...


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