dylan398 - here's a scenario that


    Posted by matt on 3rd of Mar 2009 at 10:21 am


    dylan398 - here's a scenario that I see playing out:  So let's say my long term wave count plays out i.e. wave A ends sometime soon over the next week or two maybe, then we get a nice B wave counter trend rally which lasts many weeks and retraces 38% or even 50% of wave A.  If that happens, then people will be praising Obama and the plan.


    However, if my wave count plays out, remember that once wave B is over, then we would begin a really bad wave C sell off to devastating new lows (far lower than where we currently are.  So what would happen is Obama would be praised for a short time during the wave B, but then he would lose that praise again during wave C...so he would be built up but then torn down....


    Anyway, let's just focus on today and this week and see what this market does in the short term


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