PPT and Griffin


    Posted by junkmaylbox on 27th of Feb 2009 at 02:52 pm

    PA, My definition of fail is liabilities exceeding or equal to assets. What is the title of Griffin's book you are recommending? thanks!

    did not want to sound

    Posted by PA on 27th of Feb 2009 at 03:00 pm

    did not want to sound callous or combative, but what I meant was - if they cease to trade publicly they have technically 'failed' - and this is a real possibility. But they can still exist as gov't run businesses, and that is a real risk to anyone trading them for a bounce. You wake up one morning and they are all halted. Period. Could happen, might not. Who wants that risk? Not me.


    Griffin - "The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look". I recommend getting the hard cover version. His publisher's  direct line is 800-595-6596. Some of us need a macro world view, and this is the real deal.  Let me say this - No One has been able to present evidence to the contrary to this book, and I have been researching this for years. Mr. Griffin is a True Patriot and a very honorable gentleman, not some  cock-eyed flake. You can see this also in some video clips on youtube, but you need to read the whole book.  He is a supreme investigative reporter; this is the most heavily notated book I have ever read, and next to the Good Book, this is the most important book ever written. IMO


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