Yes the PPT exists and


    Posted by PA on 27th of Feb 2009 at 01:34 pm

    Yes the PPT exists and is run out of the NY Fed office with GS their main conduit. But I don't think there is any evidence to say they were solely responsible for buying this a.m. even though GS was an agressive buyer of Spoos on the open.


    The MAIN, #1 goal of the New World Order is and has always been to have people cry out for a one world gov't (the UN), one world currency and a one world central bank. That is why Bernanke and the rest are allowed to look stooopid - they are not.How to best accomplish a One World Bank? Cause such a huge economic collapse that people demand it. Why is this bad? Because if you and your country want to be part of this system - and you will have to beto carry on trade - you have to meet their 'requirements' (rules). IOW if you don't play along you are OUT, economic Siberia. IOW - total slavery of the world's population to unaccounable bankers.  THAT IS THE PLAN. Care to fight back? 


    Posted by junkmaylbox on 27th of Feb 2009 at 02:09 pm

    PA, Thank you for that piece of data. Last year when $gold was killed in August, three banks were responsible for shorting it: GS, Morgan-Chase and Citibank, if my memory serves me. Those are the agents of the PPT IMO, and they will never be permitted to fail.

    one last post - How

    Posted by PA on 27th of Feb 2009 at 02:45 pm

    one last post - How do you define "fail"? Is it the same def'n the NWO is using? Think about that, it is not a trivial question.


    They want all the banks to be run by the gov't and in fact they basically have been for years - look at the conveyor belt between Washington and NYC. They don't care about saving the commonshareholders of banks if that is what you mean - that is why GS went public before they pulled the plug on the financial system. By letting LEH go down, they forced everyone to accept the banks were worthless - that was done on purpose, they didn't have to allow it (and common sense said it would never happen). But they did let LEH go. For a reason, to cause the market to fall.


    More evidence - They didn't care about the mortgage market bubble because they wanted it that way. Why didn't they listen to Eliot Spitzer?  Why did they use the old trick of ritual defamation of Spitzer? Same thing for Gov. Rod Blagojevich . He said this - . or try

    Next thing we know he is being vilified - coincidence? I don't know, but it strikes me as very coincidental.


    and BTW those same brokers/banks were telling their clients including gold miners to short gold from $270 - one of the reasons I turned bullish on gold in 2000. As a matter of fact, the Bank of England was the biggest seller of gold from their reserves - who was their main advisor? GS. Who was head of the BoE at that time? Gordon Brown, same guy who is now Prime Minister of Britain (that was his reward). The gold was sold into the Private Hands of those who are behind things. There is even  no gold owned by the US still in Fort Knox - that is why the US gov't does not do the annual audits of the gold reserves (as mandated by law).


    This stuff is not just important because it has to do with removing illusions and assumptions that can greatly affect your trading - but it is about Liberty too. read Griffin.

    I went through the references

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 1st of Mar 2009 at 10:11 pm

    I went through the references you provided: very enlightening.

    welcome. when you understand the

    Posted by PA on 2nd of Mar 2009 at 09:04 am

    welcome. when you understand the govt goal is to get bigger no matter how many people have to suffer for it you see why things that made no sense before now are perfectly clear. Which is also why smart money has sold aggresssively since the 2007 bust of the credit bubble; and why the bear market is not going to end for a while.

    PA, I agree with everything

    Posted by depietri1 on 27th of Feb 2009 at 02:57 pm

    PA, I agree with everything your saying . Buy any cahnce do you read Karl Denninger's market-ticker

    PPT and Griffin

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 27th of Feb 2009 at 02:52 pm

    PA, My definition of fail is liabilities exceeding or equal to assets. What is the title of Griffin's book you are recommending? thanks!

    did not want to sound

    Posted by PA on 27th of Feb 2009 at 03:00 pm

    did not want to sound callous or combative, but what I meant was - if they cease to trade publicly they have technically 'failed' - and this is a real possibility. But they can still exist as gov't run businesses, and that is a real risk to anyone trading them for a bounce. You wake up one morning and they are all halted. Period. Could happen, might not. Who wants that risk? Not me.


    Griffin - "The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look". I recommend getting the hard cover version. His publisher's  direct line is 800-595-6596. Some of us need a macro world view, and this is the real deal.  Let me say this - No One has been able to present evidence to the contrary to this book, and I have been researching this for years. Mr. Griffin is a True Patriot and a very honorable gentleman, not some  cock-eyed flake. You can see this also in some video clips on youtube, but you need to read the whole book.  He is a supreme investigative reporter; this is the most heavily notated book I have ever read, and next to the Good Book, this is the most important book ever written. IMO

    not to mention 150/brl oil

    Posted by dylan398 on 27th of Feb 2009 at 02:11 pm

    not to mention 150/brl oil


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