
    Posted by junkmaylbox on 19th of Feb 2009 at 07:35 pm

    I would start buying when RSI gets below 30 or we go below 750 on $SPX, whichever occurs earlier. I don't expect indexes to go much lower than the November 21 lows, because this is a retest. We might ever reverse tomorrow if the market gaps down and drops really hard in the morning.

    Another criterion that I would use is to compute the difference between the MA(50) and the price. Any time the distance is above 27-30%, a reversal is imminent. Right now the distance is 17%. If XLF is below 6 (currently MA(50)=9.03) , it would be a terrific buying opportunity.

    For what it's worth.

    well i looked back at

    Posted by canadianguy on 19th of Feb 2009 at 11:02 pm

    well i looked back at the october lows and in october the xlf hit 12ish while the 50sma was over 20. That was 40% below the 50sma. The November low was 50 sma of 16 and the XLF was at 9 so again 45% below. Right now I have the 50sma at 11ish so 55-60% of that brings XLF to 6ish. That would bring UYG to 40% lower from here, about $1.40.

    Who knows if it gets there but if it does I think it would warrant a good speculation with the expectation of 50% or more in a couple of days..


    Posted by junkmaylbox on 20th of Feb 2009 at 04:06 am

    I have entered two large "stink bids" for UYG at 1.50 and URE at 2.05 this evening.


    Posted by junkmaylbox on 19th of Feb 2009 at 07:56 pm

    I meant MA(20), not MA(50), and calculations are made for XLF, not for UYG.


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