Any more thoughts / info

    DXO, etc.

    Posted by doctormike on 17th of Feb 2009 at 10:40 pm

    Any more thoughts / info on the possible timing low for crude...?  The Oil ETFs are looking pretty tempting.



    USO has support at 21.44

    Posted by dodgerdog on 17th of Feb 2009 at 11:51 pm

    USO has support at 21.44 and 20.92 so make note of these levels.

    The timing for a low

    Posted by dodgerdog on 17th of Feb 2009 at 11:49 pm

    The timing for a low comes in this week BUT you need to see symmetry improve on the near term charts (taking out short term swings) before getting in front of a falling knife.  Timing is only something to watch but it needs price action to support.

    Oil will not go up

    Posted by unsane on 17th of Feb 2009 at 10:55 pm

    Oil will not go up while the markets are tanking and vice versa.

    You will need to see either (a) beginnings of recovery or (b) weakness in the dollar before crude starts to recover. We are not seeing either. With the massive treasury supply being lined up over the next weeks and months we could see a dollar decline, but the weakness of all the other currencies (esp EUR/JPY/GBP) is likely to keep the dollar high.

    The only potential bright spot I can see is Canadian-dollar-denominated crude. CAD has not been tanking against the USD as much as everything else and Canada is a net producer. It is possible that we could see some divergences in this area and the way to play it would be the MASSIVELY beaten down CAD double oil ETF HOU.TO (and its bearish sister HOD.TO). Right now it's catching a falling knife but if I could see HOU.TO becoming a buy.

    You could also look at UGA, the unleaded gas ETF, which has been showing great strength and could be a multiple-bagger into the summer. is a nightmare because

    Posted by canadianguy on 17th of Feb 2009 at 11:10 pm is a nightmare because of the contango. right now the march contract is trading around $35, it will expire on friday this week. then next week we will be into the april contract. Right now I think april is trading at $40ish. when this becomes the front month contract, it will inevitably go down to support on the spot price at $33-35. This is a decline of about 15%, on a double etf that is 30%. HOU.TO was $10 in december when oil was the exact same price - it has lost 50% on the contango effect. (it is $4.36 now)

    In some ways buying HOD.TO (The opposite, like dig/dug) is a guaranteed way to make money until/unless the contango goes away or the front month stops falling from $40 in its first day to $33-35 by the end of the contract. HOD was below $20 the last week of December when the December contract expired at around these prices, and with very little decline in crude it has doubled.

    You're right -- I hadn't

    Posted by unsane on 17th of Feb 2009 at 11:37 pm

    You're right -- I hadn't been taking into account contango (which is hitting USO too). I have a paper trade on HOU.TO dating back weeks and week which is in massive profit and have been waiting for a chance to actually get into a real trade (using HOD.TO as a proxy for a short). But maybe I should just go ahead.


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