physical gold

    Posted by matt on 14th of Feb 2009 at 01:46 pm

    Who here owns some physical gold?   I own quite a bit of physical gold that I've bought over the years, much of it I bought when gold was in the $400's, $500's, $600s, and more last year when gold pulled back to the high $700's after it topped at $1000 in March.


    I know it's just easier to own the ETF and of course much easier to sell (and yes I trade the gold ETF's in my trading account as well as the gold stocks, however I trade the paper for short term gains), but I also like having some physical gold; it's nice to look at and hold, plus I guess if I sell it, the IRS doesn't know what I made (and I won't tell them lol).  If the Dollar really goes to hell, well then I could see gold > $2000.


    Most of the gold I own is in gold bars like 1 ounce and 10 ounce credit Suisse bars, and recent 1 ounce gold coins.  I do not own any rare gold coins, i.e. ones that have numanistic value way over gold bullion's price.  I know most experts suggest buying rare coins because they sell for sometimes 10X or more above gold bullion's price and their price goes up the fastest; however the problem that I have with them is that if things ever got really bad, would someone really pay 20X over gold's price because of the rareity?  At least with the physical gold, I know what it's worth, whereas numanistic value well that's only what someone is willing to pay.  Who knows, anyway when gold has a deep enough pullback, I buy again, I might pick up some of the, maybe you guys have some guidance as what to buy.


    Current gold market:  I only buy physical gold on deep pullbacks, for example I bought gold when it pulled back from $1000 in March to the high $700's last fall.  I do not buy gold when it is high like it is now, I would only buy after a decent pullback and generally when the commercial net short dips below 100K (now it's 189K); so obviously in the short term, gold I would not even think of buying any physical metal.  However I trade the stocks and the ETF's and gold futures from time to time.


    One day I'll start selling the gold, hopefully for $2000 an ounce or higher.  Again in the short term I have no interest in buying gold up here.  I only buy on deep pullbacks.  I trade gold stocks and gold ETF all the time, but I only buy physical gold on deep pullbacks.


    I sold some gold last March on Ebay when gold was at it's all time highs and had no trouble selling it at all.  The good think about Ebay is that typically it will sell well over the spot price!

    I have Gold, and Silver and Platinum.

    Posted by saturn6 on 15th of Feb 2009 at 08:26 am

    I was quite fortunate to have bought my Goldand Silverin 2006 at just above £300. and £5.50 respectively, and although Gold has outperformedSilver I think this will change and silver will outpace Gold by quite a margin.

    I too am waiting for pullbacks to increase my exposure. The only concern is how effective the investment banks are in surpressing the prices, not only of bullion but other commodities, as this itemexplains.

    "Investment bankers by virtue of their privileged position at the spigots of credit have over the years garnered for themselves a disproportionate slice of the world's wealth. The best description of their wealth is from a banker himself, Sir Josiah Stamp, at the time in1927 the 2 nd richest man in England and former head of The Bank of England:"

    Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.

    saturn6 - I own some silver

    Posted by matt on 15th of Feb 2009 at 08:53 pm

    saturn6 - I own some silver 100 oz bars too, however my main problem with Silver is that it is more of an industrial metal and so will following the other commodities and base metals instead of gold. 

    Thats true!

    Posted by saturn6 on 16th of Feb 2009 at 04:07 am
    Title: But

    You are right about silver,

    Posted by hornsant on 16th of Feb 2009 at 08:15 am

    You are right about silver, in Chile when you say cash you actualy say silver  -  plata-The chinese have always used the Silver standard instead of gold and the increasing involvment of China in the global economy will add weight to Silver.

    someone just asked me why

    Posted by matt on 14th of Feb 2009 at 03:38 pm

    someone just asked me why I wrote this?  No real reason, just felt like it.  Breakpoint Trades is a hardcore technical analysis based website; we really get into the charts here with all forms of technical analysis as well as mechanical trading systems.  This is how I trade, I trade by the charts, however on the side I own some physical gold as well and so I expounded upon that.  And of course I am very concerned about the US future as well.


    Have a nice long weekend!

    I own physical gold Matt. 

    Posted by califman4u on 16th of Feb 2009 at 10:08 am

    I own physical gold Matt.  Most of it I bought in the 1990's.  What I find interesting at the moment is the price of Rhodium.  It shot up to $10,000 per ounce and now is not much higher than the price of gold.  I don't understand the market well enough at this time, but am investigating it. 


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