Tough day. If it wasn't

    Posted by unsane on 13th of Feb 2009 at 04:14 pm

    Tough day. If it wasn't for a stupid trade in FAS I would have come out ahead. 

    1 mech ES trade that I should have closed for a profit early on

    1 dumb FAS trade that went my way initially and should have been closed for a profit

    1 mech SRS trade that bought high but closed in the green (exactly the kind of trade a human would never pursue, actually)

    1 mech SKF swing trade that is looking pretty good given the close.

    ES is down to 819 AH suggesting SPX 822-823.

    We are on the support

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 13th of Feb 2009 at 05:55 pm

    We are on the support then. I sold a half of my SKF position, which I bought at close yesterday for a profit. I will buy it again on a bounce. The fast stochastic 5,3,3has closed at a buy signal today, so I am not risking too much here.

    It's my understanding that they

    Posted by roamingjan on 13th of Feb 2009 at 06:45 pm

    It's my understanding that they have to actually crossto give the signal. These are close and almost touching, but have not crossed.


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