Always remember, the nutty professor

    Posted by randy on 13th of Feb 2009 at 10:39 am

    Always remember, the nutty professor from cnbc ( charles nenner ) said the market is going to rally into march before selling off. Possibly to s & p 1000. He said he is never wrong so...  He is interesting, he bases his projections on mathematical cycles. You can listen to his theories at If you liked to watch Columbo you will like this guy.

    Never wrong .....hmmm. Did he

    Posted by PA on 13th of Feb 2009 at 11:00 am

    Never wrong .....hmmm. Did he actually say that about himself? This is  interesting. If he was never wrong he would own the Earth in about 12 months give or take, if he actually bet his own money and pyramided his trades. I wonder if he actually trades, and if so I'd like to see his trading record. I will give him all my money to invest.


    I don't know if he said that, but if he did, to a room of pros, he would be laughed out of the room in a New York second. I have to visit his website

    I think that guy was

    Posted by homer on 13th of Feb 2009 at 11:06 am

    I think that guy was bs, another thing cnbs trots out to keep the shorts on guard.  Like the mark to market rumor the other day...  Some chance he may be right but reversed, the market topped short term a few days later about the time he said it would be bottoming.

    The Band Plays On

    Posted by doctormike on 13th of Feb 2009 at 11:20 am

    "The Band Plays On"

    The Fly's video on CNBC...very funny.



    Oh for the  good old

    Posted by PA on 13th of Feb 2009 at 11:14 am

    Oh for the  good old days of Ralph Acampora. When he got excited enough to want to be on all the TV shows it was invariably a key reversal day, but the opposite of what he predicted. God bless him.


    I watched the latest interview withe good Professor Renner  (at his website) - at 6:07 he said, basically, that he will never say he is wrong even if the market goes against him. WTF? It appears he is never wrong because he never admits it. Now I know he does not trade, just a talker. A lotta guys make good money posing at experts in this biz. Wall Street is the only profession in the world where a person can be wrong most of the time, still keep their job, and still be called an expert.  Amazing.

    Prudential guys used to call

    Posted by ralph on 13th of Feb 2009 at 11:19 am

    Prudential guys used to call him Ralph Keep-em-poor-a.  In this business, you are never wrong, just early.


    - "Wall Street is the

    Posted by roamingjan on 13th of Feb 2009 at 11:18 am

    - "Wall Street is the only profession in the world where a person can be wrong most of the time, still keep their job, and still be called an expert." -

    Actually, there is one other job -- Weather Forecaster!



    Posted by drorlando on 13th of Feb 2009 at 11:31 am

    Sure is not in mine or doctor mike's profession, we would starve! Wink

    I have the highest respect

    Posted by PA on 13th of Feb 2009 at 11:34 am

    I have the highest respect for true professionals of all kinds. It is possibly the highest calling to be a healer. Bless you.


    Posted by drorlando on 13th of Feb 2009 at 11:43 am

    Thanks PA, I do like my job.  Sometimes though it interferes with my trading, but I love what I do!

    Nice one! I'd say weather

    Posted by PA on 13th of Feb 2009 at 11:29 am

    Nice one! I'd say weather forecasting is a hobby not a business - where is the profit (prophet)!?

    The Perfesser is never wrong: To save others some time and money - In the CNBC 2007-4-12 video AT HIS OWN WEBSITE he predicts there will be no recession until the  market peaks in 2013.  I guess this economy does not count. He also said that after a brief rally after 4-12-07 the market should go down again. Look at the Dow Industrials - straight UP into late May. It apears he is another egotistic, self-promoting charlatan. A number of people at this site are better than this person. IMO. But if you can make money off his calls go ahead and use  him.


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