Thanks Matt.  Beautiful charts.  Yes, very tricky market, as cspirit says.  It is good to see the market start to do something. I've got tight stops, and will be looking forward to your commentary later tonight.


    Posted by cspirit on 28th of Jan 2009 at 03:51 pm

    One way to play this is to use smaller share sizes and larger stops.  It appears to me market makers know right where stops should be placed and are running them both ways (Short/Long)

    Remember they only make money doing trades not like us.  There goal is to do as many buy/sell orders as they can. 

    I've done better past month trading smaller amounts and wider stops.

    Just passing this along as an IDEA only.

    Chris, what is a wide

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 28th of Jan 2009 at 03:59 pm

    Chris, what is a wide stop in your definition? 15, 20%?

    I place it based on

    Posted by cspirit on 28th of Jan 2009 at 04:06 pm

    I place it based on where support is if going long.  I then figure out how much money I want to use and then figure out how much to risk.  I try not to risk more than 5%-8% capital.  

    Example UNG

    I did 500 shares today at $18.10.  Support was like $18.20.  I placed my market limit sell stop at $17.35 GTC.  It's far enough down that sell stops won't hit it only to head higher.

    So 9K cashed used risking $375 dollars on 9K investment or little bit over 4% of the 9K.  Once I get couple dollar gain I will move stop up .50cents.

    This is how I do it.  Money Management

    Thanks, Chris. So you use

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 28th of Jan 2009 at 04:24 pm

    Thanks, Chris. So you use regular size stops (4 to 6% is what books would recommend). A wide stop would mean at least 10% to me.


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