mining stocks tend to lead over short to intermediate term but not long term, gold metal in the long run outperforms the mining stocks  - just go look at 15 and 20 year charts of some of the big miners - many you would have made almost nothing by buying and holding, NEM has been in the 40's since 1996 and it's now 52.5.  While Gold was $300 in 2001 and is now 2500 and has increased 830% since 2000!

    most of these mining stocks are barely higher than they were 15 and 20 years ago. Some of these you made almost nothing if you held them for 20 years - whereas you would be up substantially if you simply held the metal all the time

    in addition to energy costs - it's also labor costs, and more importantly it's much much harder to get new mines started and approved because of environmental 


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