Wow a record low of

    Posted by mastermind on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 05:22 pm

    Wow a record low of ONE stock on my STS daily email. For context, that's out of about 90-100 that I have on my favorites list. 

    Wow 100 favorites! I logged

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 08:28 pm

    Wow 100 favorites! I logged in as you just to see and sure enough you do! PLTR was the ONLY one out of your massive favorites list that had a new a new STS, nice trade from the May 30th entry up 32%.  I see you added RIVN as a new favorite, the system is up 52.4% on this open trade

    image is from my admin side, shows you only received one symbol in your KISS email table update. And some of your favorites are below - honestly some nice trades there

    Yeah, bought RIVN a couple

    Posted by mastermind on 24th of Jul 2024 at 07:13 am

    Yeah, bought RIVN a couple of weeks ago but forgot to add at the time 

    Not many setups period -

    Posted by steve on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 05:51 pm

    Not many setups period - QQQ currently fading further with GOOGL slipping solidly into Red


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