Silver - regarding MMM, okay so the KISS system stopped out and went up the next day, so what. That happens, just like you will have a bad trade at times, hyper focusing on one stock or trade is not helpful here. The KISS systems overall have done a damn good job and are an amazing tool. Not perfect, they never will be but they are very unique and serve a great purpose. 

    also - the system went back long MMM yesterday

    the prevous trade on MMM from March 13th to May 29th was a great trade - many times after a really nice winner the odds of the next one being a whipsaw is high, doesn't always happen but it's common. 

    one strategy I try to employ is a Casino betting strategy: I set a base amount that I plan to use for the system, let's say it's $10,000 per trade. If the system catches a big trending winner. The next trade (since I know that there are higher odds for a whipsaw I'll move that number down to maybe $8000 or $7000.  If the trade is a loser I loose less, if it's a winner I still took the trade. Let's say it's a loser, then I may elect to take the next trade back to the $10,000 base. If the that one is a loser I might raise the next amount to $12,000 - because I know that after a couple small losing trades in a row, the system is due to catch a big trend move - so I vary my bet size

    it's about the long term batting averag, it's not about your last at bat - if you are a baseball player and you have a 350 batting average, you should not overly concern yoursel out the last two strike outs, it's about the long term average

    this is a numbers game, but too many of us get emotional and focus on the last 1 or 2 trades one one stock


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