Yep - the vast majority of volume is algo driven

    The golden ticket today was

    Posted by DigiNomad on 13th of Jun 2024 at 04:06 pm

    The golden ticket today was the 200ema on the SPX 30 second chart. Unfortunately, it changes most days and you have to search for the one that's working. That double pump over the 21 ema is fairly consistent though...especially if combined with levels (it's essentially an ABC playing out, but it was taught to me as a "2 try failure / trap pattern").

    We should try looking for and sharing averages that are working on various timeframes for intraday trading.  I spotted one today but sometimes I don't find it until I'm looking at charts that night.  

    Or just take the day off and BTFD...that works also! 

    Probably upgrading to farmed salmon

    Posted by DigiNomad on 13th of Jun 2024 at 04:17 pm

    Probably upgrading to farmed salmon over the tilapia but below the black cod after today. That last short is working out nicely so far.  Nice thing about selling short dated calls is that you 1. can typically just watch them print money as they decay even if it moves long as it doesn't move up too quickly 2. if they go against you, there's LOTS of room to roll if you think a move will eventually exhaust itself for like half a day...which is all the time you need to be right when shorting 1 DTE options.

    If you're new to trading and reading this, do NOT follow your initial instincts on size. First, figure out how to pull $20 dollars out of the market consistently and only lose $10 when you lose...then consider scaling ("consistent" is different for different strategies, but 60% is a decent starting point as long as you're keeping your targets around 1.5 - 2R). 

    I don't do a lot

    Posted by mastermind on 13th of Jun 2024 at 04:53 pm

    I don't do a lot of this, but the one that has been working well for me the last few weeks is selling out of the money AMC calls expiring the end of the week. Even today mid-day I was able to sell $6 calls expiring tomorrow for $0.10. That's not a bundle, but if you do it  week after week, it's a nice return. Some day it will pop and I'll lose my position, but that's OK. 

    Yeah, and the pops on

    Posted by DigiNomad on 13th of Jun 2024 at 04:57 pm

    Yeah, and the pops on AMC tend to be short lived, so your chances of winning on a roll up in price and out in time are pretty high 


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