SPX 10m

    Posted by mla127 on 4th of Mar 2024 at 01:38 pm

    SPX 10m

    SPX 10m  ... nice! Although

    Posted by mla127 on 4th of Mar 2024 at 02:50 pm

    SPX 10m  ... nice! Although nothing to brag here  ... this only goes up ...   

    SPX 10m ... oopsie ... 

    Posted by mla127 on 4th of Mar 2024 at 04:13 pm

    SPX 10m ... oopsie ... 

    Yep - internals were weakening

    Posted by steve on 4th of Mar 2024 at 04:18 pm

    Yep - internals were weakening throughout that grind up move - caught some bags 

    NVDA and SMCI slid into the close 

    Internals might be weak because

    Posted by DigiNomad on 4th of Mar 2024 at 04:20 pm

    Internals might be weak because the whole world is looking at the IBIT chart and trying to figure out what holdings they can sell to buy more of it?     

    Until IBIT is optionable, it's kind of back to the old paradigm where there's only so much capital to go around. If you want to play in crypto, you actually have to put up funds! Not so much once they have options on it....but that's not now. 

    Peaked above resistance  for a

    Posted by mla127 on 4th of Mar 2024 at 04:16 pm

    Peaked above resistance  for a few mins ... then ...


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