SPX30m ... rising wedge busted

    SPX 30m

    Posted by mla127 on 10th of Jan 2024 at 02:22 pm

    SPX30m ... rising wedge busted ....  lol ... 

    yup, and the supply zone

    Posted by been_trumped on 10th of Jan 2024 at 02:23 pm

    yup, and the supply zone acting more like a buy zone. just a consistent upward grind through it.

    It took watching a 3

    Posted by DigiNomad on 10th of Jan 2024 at 02:37 pm

    It took watching a 3 hour Saylor /  Fridman podcast to get me straight.  We are / have been experiencing hyper inflation from deficit spending in real time. The Gov doesn't report asset inflation as part of inflation, but it obviously is.  Hyper inflation like we're seeing with asset prices will continue until deficit spending decreases...which is very unlikely without a debt crisis. When Gov can't get people to agree to pay more taxes, they use their other method available to siphon off Americans savings and spend how they want - deficit spending (which essentially always boosts asset prices). We never directly paid the debts for WWII or any other war...we just lost purchasing power (a very real cost). At least we kind of have a way to try and keep up with the loss of purchasing power as everything screams higher.  

    Absolutely correct and one should

    Posted by steve on 10th of Jan 2024 at 02:42 pm

    Absolutely correct and one should look to purchase real assets - those that derive income preferably 

    The Supply produced a reaction

    Posted by steve on 10th of Jan 2024 at 02:33 pm

    The Supply produced a reaction down on the initial test - subsequent test always weaker.  Review again closely and as I pointed out you had no change in structure - respect the trend.

    SPX 30


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