SRS 15 min system 9,39 EMA.png SRS

    Posted by matt on 5th of Jan 2009 at 09:46 am

    SRS 15 min 9/39 EMA's crossed for the 15 min system

    SRS Clarification?

    Posted by alberta on 5th of Jan 2009 at 03:43 pm

    Matt:  My Intraday charts show the cross over before 9:30 am this morning using schwab data.   What was your event time?  I want this to be correct! 


    SRS 15m Xs today

    Posted by pki on 5th of Jan 2009 at 03:54 pm

    We see in on 1st bar at 55.92 and close EOD with 60 to 70c loss....FWIW

    Tough when it is a gap up entry and X at the same time...  see other commments on blog for doing this or waiting 15 or 30 minutes...  best pki

    Thanks - my trigger looks

    Posted by alberta on 5th of Jan 2009 at 06:03 pm

    Thanks - my trigger looks like yours before the open!

    PKI, Just  to let you

    Posted by depietri1 on 5th of Jan 2009 at 04:10 pm

    PKI, Just  to let you know. I've noticed that your EMA is set to 'TYPICAL'. I think Matt's is Set to 'CLOSE'. Not sure if it matters. Also I Knew that the 15 min EMA's were kind of crossed at the close of fri and the open of today so I set my market hours to start @ 0920 hrs and it triggered a long at about 54.70 and it made a 77 cent gain. Also I ran another trade at the regular market hors and that lost 49 cents.

    depietri1 - thanks for clarifying that

    Posted by matt on 5th of Jan 2009 at 04:13 pm

    depietri1 - thanks for clarifying that for him Laughing

    Typical vs close - yes - need consistency !!

    Posted by pki on 6th of Jan 2009 at 05:22 am
    Title: Thanks for the feedback - appreciated

    yes it crossed in the

    Posted by matt on 5th of Jan 2009 at 03:47 pm

    yes it crossed in the monring, the system is slightly down for today unless it rallies hard the last 10 min

    mechanicicals on gaps

    Posted by powerchord on 5th of Jan 2009 at 10:12 am


    Some time back there was some discussion on the effectiveness of the mechanical systems when they crossed near the open on gap opens -- has there been any info gained on this scenario? -- Thanks


    Posted by bkout3 on 5th of Jan 2009 at 10:24 am
    Title: results of one test with SRS posted a while back:

    interesting results -- thanks

    Posted by powerchord on 5th of Jan 2009 at 10:38 am

    interesting results -- thanks

    looking back, most gaps had

    Posted by matt on 5th of Jan 2009 at 10:15 am

    looking back, most gaps had no effect, only very large gaps and today was not a large gap, it was very small


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