Volatility systems

    Posted by matt on 18th of Jul 2023 at 10:18 am

    GOOGL, which went long on 7/11/23, exited the rest of it's trend hold this morning. 

    again this wasn't a website trade and not sent out, but I bring this up for an example of how some of these trades will work. 

    I added a trend hold condition to the systems (have not added it to all systems yet) when this activates instead of exiting the entire position, it will exit 1/2 and keep 1/2 to to trend hold condition. However, when stocks are in a trend hold condition, instead of exiting at the close - longs like this stop out if price dips below the low of the previous candle, which is why the last piece of the position exited this morning because it dipped below yesterday's candle - quite a tight trailing stop basically

    again don't asking me for settings on the systems, I keep getting that question, 

    side note looks like IBM may go long but again long way from the close


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