O Man - Lesson Learned

    Posted by cspirit on 29th of Dec 2008 at 03:28 pm

    Lesson Learned,

    I traded URE today and bought at 5.31 near support.  I put my stop @ 5.19 as 5.24 appeared good support.

    Stop Loss Order hit 5.19 then low 5.17 and it zoomed back to 5.50.

    I guess I need to go back and trade small share size and use a wider stops.  That's twice about 15 mins. early into URE but did read support correctly.

    FYI - I had 9,000 shares so it was a 3K swing error. 

    Lesson learned?

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 29th of Dec 2008 at 04:34 pm

    cspirit, The same has happened to me on UYM today. I don't see any lesson in it other than not using the same metrics on a thinly traded day such as today. I cannot make any money on the long side of this market, it's just pathetic. Your DXO trade was a rocket, I used it to offset my losses on UYM today. Good luck with URE!


    Posted by drorlando on 29th of Dec 2008 at 04:05 pm

    cs:  Now is a good time for URE Wink

    Thanks ... I got some

    Posted by cspirit on 29th of Dec 2008 at 04:13 pm

    Thanks ... I got some from 5.32 support and sold them @ 5.40.  Re-entered again at 5.35 into the close.  Looking to unload some in AH again @ 5.40.

    Looking to take home 2500 shares for Tuesday.


    Posted by cspirit on 30th of Dec 2008 at 08:23 am

    I did get my sell order filled in AH last night @ 5.40 and sold another 1K shares in Pre-Market @ 5.52.  A 3% return for 5 mins of trading I'll take.  I cannot trade for next couple days therefore didn't want to hold alot of shares.  Still holding a few just in case it or the market zooms back to test ress. levels.

    Everyone .. good luck on your trading day today


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