Market internals

    SP inverse HS

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 29th of Dec 2008 at 01:52 pm

    What is $tick?

    junk - TICK is the

    Posted by Michael on 29th of Dec 2008 at 03:25 pm

    junk - TICK is the number of stocks on the NYSE increasing in price vs those decreasing in price.  It runs on a scale from -1200 to +1200.  One very basic reading of it -- on a 5-min chart -- is that when it crosses +1000 or -1000 it almost always signals a short-term turn coming in the market.


    Posted by junkmaylbox on 29th of Dec 2008 at 04:25 pm

    Thanks for the information. I could not find $tick on StrategyDesk, so I had to ask. I do find it on stockcharts. I'll have to look up those indexes specifically, they are useful to know.


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