to me yesterday was noise - SPX closed in the middle of that coil from the 60 min. QQQ's were weakest but that was too be expected as some money rotates out of that area. Looks like I did the opposite to you, I wasn't worried about a gap down in the market this morning, yesterday the SPX closed right in the coil and bounced off the uptrend line on the 15 min chart, I favored a gap up in the market over the small trendline on that 60 min SPX not a gap down and took some URPO long yesterday near the close and in after hrs - worked out

    even now we are still within the coil like pattern on the 60 min SPX. We continue be in a choppy range, which I favor

    Matt, thanks again for sharing

    Posted by junkie on 29th of Mar 2023 at 11:38 am

    Matt, thanks again for sharing your style. Is there a good risk indicator that works for you to make these calls? $VIX was down yesterday, while HYG was down too. I trade MES, and need to be aware of stops for overnight action.


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