cspirit, How loose are your

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 19th of Dec 2008 at 03:46 pm

    cspirit, How loose are your stops?I am comfortable with 2-3% stop losses, yet unfortunately they are often run out. I have to use 4-6% stop losses, which often defeats the point. I haven't figured out this stop thing yet :(

    My stops are based on

    Posted by cspirit on 19th of Dec 2008 at 03:53 pm

    My stops are based on the amount of money I want to risk in a trade (Not Total Stock Value).  I range $300 to $ 900 dollars I like to risk depending on size of my position.

    I like to use support and ress. areas as entry via trend lines.  If my entry points are correct then stock moves in my favor I sell 1/3 to lock in a profit.  This reduces my overall risk on remain position where I put in my orginal limit stop.

    Not all my trades work.  On ten trades I might only get 2-3 runners and 4-5 small loss and 1-2 which do not work and hit my stop.  The 2-3 runners I get more than make up for all the small losses etc.  Money Management and each trader has there own style.



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