SPX new upside gap at

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 3rd of Nov 2022 at 08:06 am

    SPX new upside gap at 3,759.69 on the cash. The only downside gap left from this recent rally at 3,583.07. 

    I took a first entry (unleveraged) long against premarket lows, looking to play the upside open gap. Likely a swing trade that could take heat and maybe multiple entries, though I'm open to surprises. 

    Taking profits with the move

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 4th of Nov 2022 at 06:25 am

    Taking profits with the move up premarket into 3,750s. Close enough. Now a gap below at 3,719.89 (yesterday's close) on the cash if this holds up in regular market hours. I'll wait to see if we come down and retest 3,700 on the way to 3,650 at the .618. If not, that is fine as I have long inventory otherwise from the corona crash that will benefit.


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