I posted prior that she would pay for taking on big oil, big auto, etc. and that she needed them, they don't need her. She was calling their businesses the "real bubble" not innovation. Well yesterday she capitulated and sold some TSLA to buy, drum roll...GM, that's right General Motors. So she refused to pivot when wrong for many months when the fund collapsed from $159 to $39. And now she wants to own GM. She also tossed in that she thinks we are in a global recession. I've never seen a fund manager behave this way. Totally upside down. Historic

    There was a time when she owned some relatively speaking wise more defensive healthcare names when the fund was in the triple digits still, though she sold them to buy more of the non cash flowing businesses. Pointing this out because I was watching for this as another indicator for a rally near some lows and it has aligned. 


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