Newsletter is great Matt, I

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Mar 2022 at 08:07 am

    Newsletter is great Matt, I like how you breakdown the possibilities of where things are going on the daily and possibly over the weeks. 

    With baseball season coming, right now I see joining the long side for the first time at this level as being a batter with a 3-0 count. I could swing and could get a hit, though I'd rather take the next pitch. I sold the remainder of my long into the 4,475 gap fill. Initiated a short position there as well. I'd be happy to add to that exposure if we saw those 4,500s. Risk/reward. 

    Your home project was in my dream last night. Steve was commenting how you have a fantastic house and the loft in the top level was incredible..   

    Added a few for my

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Mar 2022 at 01:16 pm

    Added a few for my short trade when SPX hit 4,512. Nice hedge book position here now, though still not huge. My long term long inventory that I bought during the panic in low 4,200s is looking very good here. I would consider selling some of that if we hit those 4,660s. Risk/reward. Market can decide what I do next. Happy to swing what I have here on both sides. 

    4660s--- thats quite a big

    Posted by watcdy on 22nd of Mar 2022 at 01:25 pm

    4660s--- thats quite a big target 

    Entirely possible by May. Happy

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Mar 2022 at 01:27 pm

    Entirely possible by May. Happy to adjust if needed. It is the only gap left now on the upside and a target for bulls. 

    ok   thx

    Posted by watcdy on 22nd of Mar 2022 at 01:28 pm

    ok   thx


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