please let us know when to go long

    Posted by yam6353 on 20th of Nov 2008 at 04:32 pm

    Being a newbie, thank you for your informative insights.

    You commented on a certain time to go long, please let us know when you think it is worth a trade on the long side

    we said this morning that

    Posted by matt on 20th of Nov 2008 at 04:48 pm

    we said this morning that if the SPX got over 835 and then 867 then we could consider a bullish case, obviously we did not, and as I showed by the 1 min charts, we had a nice short entry today as well. 


    We are currently in wave 3 of 5, so maybe we get a wave 4 of 5 bounce, then one more decline, and then 5 of 5 and that will be it.  the good thing is that we are in the later stages of wave 5 now of a 5 wave pattern. 


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