Thanks for sharing the chart. As always, look under the hood and you will see very impressive fundamentals. It is what I focus on primarily when I start my lists. Then we just wait for attractive prices if we ever get them. We sure have them now on more than a few names. That list I shared has more than a few multibaggers in it. 

    The profit moat around DGNR is amazing. This isn't some hope it will work business. It is well established and growing in a high demand global market. 96% recurring software revenue, 20+ consecutive years of growth. CCC has 34% adjusted margins. I love that they serve the "boring" P&C insurance business. The need to assess/process claims faster and less expensively is enormous. Their technology is sticky and makes doing business easy. I've spoken to some in the industry on both sides of serving the customer and it is all they have used for years. Their US business is impressive, though I think many miss that 4 out China's top 5 insurers use the CCC platform. There is risk with any investment, though I'm not sure what else can be done to remove risk from this one. Lifetime opportunity for an investor. As you pointed out setting up as a pretty good trade here as well. Someone made a huge buy yesterday, millions. 


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