PSHG   Exploding after hours.  Also, PERFORMANCE

    Posted by rfa300 on 9th of Oct 2020 at 05:56 pm


    Exploding after hours.

     Also, PERFORMANCE SHIPPING INC has issued proxy materials for its ‌2020‌‌Special Meeting‌ of shareholders. Looks like a reverse split is on the table. Amount TBD.

    Thanks rfa300 - sold entire

    Posted by steve on 12th of Oct 2020 at 08:30 am

    Thanks rfa300 - sold entire position in PSHG (most Friday afterhours and balance pre-market today at 4 am)   Turned out to be a great long term play but required patience. 

    Agreed Steve. I sold as

    Posted by rfa300 on 12th of Oct 2020 at 10:50 am

    Agreed Steve. I sold as well during the runup on Friday. Patience was definitely required on this one! Thanks!

    yes rfa300 - nice to

    Posted by matt on 10th of Oct 2020 at 09:08 pm

    yes rfa300 - nice to see that move on PSHG!  Steve and I both have had that for a long time being patient because it was a value play.  Steve happened to notice it late after hrs on Friday and sold a bunch of shares. I didn't notice it until later that evening when it was too late for me to sell any in after hrs.  Hopefully it opens there or higher on Monday so I can sell some


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