Matt - I think doing

    Posted by z0ned on 8th of Oct 2020 at 07:25 am

    Matt - I think doing an education video on how you manage trade ideas is a GREAT idea!   Look forward to seeing that.

    thanks, Steve and I both

    Posted by matt on 8th of Oct 2020 at 09:25 am

    thanks, Steve and I both will probably do something separately.  

    one thing I'm trying to do is really build out some of these things on the website. The SPY section looks good now. I need to add more to the 401K section.

    also something you don't see, whenever new people sign up they new get a couple emails automatically with 5 videos walking through through the website, the newsletters, how to manage their account, the 401K section, the SPY section. Before people would sign up and get nothing so most would be lost. I'm not saying that solves everything and people are still not lost at times but it helps.

    anyway I just gotta keep on trucking, being productive


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