Update: Filled the open gap

    Filled the open gap

    Posted by matt on 13th of May 2020 at 12:28 pm

    $SPX - Chart Link - bounced off last Monday's low

    Extended Hours Do Not Count?

    Posted by Walt on 13th of May 2020 at 12:39 pm

    Extended Hours Do Not Count?  Why?   If you include After Hours and Extended Hours, you often come to conclusions at different price levels.  Why not include them?  They seem like valid prices and transactions?  Does everyone ignore them in Technical Analysis, or is that just a BreakPointTrade, Matt, Steve thing?  (maybe a rookie question :)  Need education tip on Why?  thanks.

    Example: TD Ameritrade think or Swim shows Monday Low of SPY at 277.63, but normal hours at about 279.13

    I didn't mean that. My

    Posted by matt on 13th of May 2020 at 01:03 pm

    I didn't mean that. My point in the morning was I don't short a gap down in the cash market on the open when it is  already very oversold, I short a bounce like we got after the bounce the abc bounce.  One can monitor cash and ES.  Otherwise I generally find the cash markets tend to play out more than what happens after hrs in ES.

    if you are trading ES -focus on that, if you are trading ETF's I'd say focus more on cash markets

    Walt - if you're trading

    Posted by steve on 13th of May 2020 at 12:44 pm

    Walt - if you're trading the futures then adjust accordingly.  We primarily deal with the cash market levels here.  Main thing is to develop a PLAN in accordance with YOUR STYLE and trade accordingly.  

    Yes, but part of this

    Posted by Walt on 13th of May 2020 at 01:02 pm

    Yes, but part of this is a bit of "herd effect", so if EVERYONE else is only charting the cash day markets, then I definitely only want to do the same!!  So, I am hearing that 80-90% of technical trading is done on Day Cash Market Charts (big fund traders, quants, brokerage houses....)  TRUE?? If so, I want that to me my style too : )   Thanks.

    Great call Matt/Steve!!

    Posted by profmel on 13th of May 2020 at 12:38 pm

    Great call Matt/Steve!!

    Matt, on your 15 min

    Posted by DK on 13th of May 2020 at 12:38 pm

    Matt, on your 15 min SPX chart, looks the declining 9 ema at around 2830 would be a logical bounce target and an objective area to initiate or add to shorts. You agree?


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