It is a sham.  How long can people wait until they have to close their doors for good?  Owners cannot float everyone's pay for too much longer.  

    I got three small businesses

    Posted by Skylark68 on 19th of Apr 2020 at 08:17 pm

    I got three small businesses funded, but it was only because JP Morgan was directly integrated into the SBA system making processing times faster.  We also rode them daily to drive the applications through their internal reviews to make sure they got transmitted asap.  The last one funded the day before they cut off additional loans.  Pretty sure it will get re-funded shortly if not already........I think a $310 billion package is about to be passed or already did.

    The extra 310 billion will

    Posted by under80 on 19th of Apr 2020 at 08:41 pm

    The extra 310 billion will probably be funded by Wednesday if they agree on the deal by tomorrow, but the real question is once the economy starts opening up the sales volumes especially for restaurants, retail stores, travel & hospitality will drop significantly for many many months. How will they be able to survive long term with 30%-50% drop in sales?

    NYC has lost $10 billion

    Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Apr 2020 at 10:16 pm

    NYC has lost $10 billion in revenues.  How do you make that up?  Economy was sputtering in 2019.   Trillions went into the market by way of buybacks, we are at 125% to GDP with the trillions pumped into the market.  IT has been propped up like Weekend at Bernies for the last ty\wo years.  


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