SRSrocco report Q2 GDP estimate.

    Posted by goldnice on 18th of Apr 2020 at 08:59 pm

    SRSrocco report Q2 GDP estimate. Fantastic chart showing a decline in GDP in Q2 and a increase in Debt which also means an explosion in the money supply and government bailouts as "they" try to save the economy from eating itself from the inside out. It remains to be seen if they can fix this bubble blowout collapse that has been setting up since 1982. Look at all the other charts and graphs.

    We haven't learned the lessons

    Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Apr 2020 at 12:23 pm

    We haven't learned the lessons from 2008.  Trillions being thrown at the problem,  inflating asset prices and we have no price discovery.   It will end bad again.  Too those who think you can inflate to a new bull market and stronger economy you are going to be fooled again.   Like having a stent put into unclog your veins so you do not die of a heart attack, but if you keep living the same lifestyle that lead you to have clogged veins, you will die of a heart attach, just a matter of time.  Now, if you change your lifestyle (implement exercise and a healthy diet) then you can recover and go on to live for many more years.  

    Perhaps when President Trump made

    Posted by rfa300 on 19th of Apr 2020 at 02:32 pm

    Perhaps when President Trump made the comment of "the cure being worse than the problem" regarding the virus, maybe he meant the trillions that were going to be thrown into the markets!

    Interesting charts, but I don't

    Posted by racerick on 19th of Apr 2020 at 06:41 am

    Interesting charts, but I don't think we have a huge move in gold until we actual see some actual inflation. I think the M2 chart below let's the Fed feel like they need to continue to pump money into the economy.  Velocity just keeps dropping and I can't wait to see first quarters which they probably won't have until May. Thoughts? 


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