anyone have a firm thought

    Posted by watcdy on 17th of Apr 2020 at 03:45 pm

    anyone have a firm thought about monday---follow thru or reality check  

    Too many people are still

    Posted by jtsurfah on 17th of Apr 2020 at 04:07 pm

    Too many people are still hedged and negative (me included). Need more positive sentiment and people like ssaffer throwing in the towel and going long....then we'll get a reality check. Will we test the lows and/or make new ones? Who knows.  It's just that markets bottom because sellers exhaust themselves and vice versa  with tops - which also has a tendency to inflict max pain.  We need to get more participants off sides before we get a turn. 

    Also, an expanding multiples makes

    Posted by jtsurfah on 17th of Apr 2020 at 04:15 pm

    Also, an expanding multiples makes sense if the risk free rate is .6% (or less) and there is no inflation expected.  Many fund managers have charters that don't allow them to go to cash. There is a ridiculous amount of money out there and it has to find a home...even if it's a really beat up home. It may just be the best home in a bad neighborhood. 

    Trillions flooded by the Fed,

    Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Apr 2020 at 04:22 pm

    Trillions flooded by the Fed, Fed buying ETF's.  That is keeping fuel on the fire for now.   I try to refrain from taking a subjective outlook because most times I am wrong.   The debt market is the mother of all markets.   Keep an eye on the Libor spread over the next couple of weeks.    And oil is still selling off.  That is what backs the USD.   A lot of moving parts.  Anyway.   It was a great week to be alive!  Time for some drinks.  

    Nice 4 digit gainer this

    Posted by retirefire on 17th of Apr 2020 at 04:30 pm

    Nice 4 digit gainer this week which is awesome for me.  Thanks to Matt and Steve and power posters here. All cash save for small USO starter position this morning.

    Hey - I didn't thrown

    Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Apr 2020 at 04:14 pm

    Hey - I didn't thrown in the towel just yet.  i have been building a June 2022 SPY put options for a month and trading long scalps using( UPRO) around it.   In March 20-25 week i was buying call options on tech and healthcare.  I sold most of them this week.      

    I must have misunderstood your

    Posted by jtsurfah on 17th of Apr 2020 at 04:37 pm

    I must have misunderstood your earlier post. Darn, I was hoping to hear that another weak hand got taken out and switched bullish  I took profits on the short side of my QQQ put spreads earlier this week and rolled the long side out in time...but too many people like me out there right now keeping a floor under what should be a horrible market 

    I meant took profits on

    Posted by jtsurfah on 17th of Apr 2020 at 04:38 pm

    I meant took profits on the short side of PUT spreads

    I bought XLK back in

    Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Apr 2020 at 06:25 pm

    I bought XLK back in mid march and has had a monster move.  Cashed out today.   You can be bullish and bearish at the same time ( I guess I am transgender). 


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