I'm confused about all this

    Posted by retirefire on 13th of Apr 2020 at 06:24 pm

    I'm confused about all this FED money injection and possible inflation. Is it possible some just goes poof and cancels out bad derivitives. Net zero?

    I am not so sure

    Posted by ssaffer on 13th of Apr 2020 at 08:48 pm

    I am not so sure that inflation will tick up anytime soon as the velocity of money is just not there.  The average Joe is not getting money, only circulating into the financial institutions.  Gold and Silver going up because no trust and the massive debt the Fed is creating.  But inflation I do not see it yet.  

    Time for a Jubilee? https://americanconsequences.com/a-debt-jubilee-is-coming-to-america/

    i take it you read

    Posted by RP on 14th of Apr 2020 at 09:18 am

    i take it you read the book? read it about 2 mo ago. yes its coming. As you may know this is about the debt forgiveness in the old testament leviticus chapter 25 . every 49 years debt was forgiven. was called the Jubilee. guess this means not have everything i own paid for go out and borrow on everything haha


    Posted by retirefire on 14th of Apr 2020 at 09:22 am


    I agree with that

    Posted by matt on 13th of Apr 2020 at 10:41 pm

    I agree with that


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