SPY system comments

    Posted by matt on 30th of Jan 2020 at 02:24 pm

    So ignoring all the Stockchart.comhoopla, I did notice that one of the SPY Pro sub systems was meeting a trigger to go long when the market was at the lows about 2 hrs ago for a 1st entry on the QE 1 sub system. Now if you are new here you might ask how is that possible is the Trend/Pullback sub system is already long a 1st entry?  Its' because we have the 20 plus sub systems on multiple charts vs one chart, which at times there will be overlapping trades. The stats are high on each sub system so why not do them even if one is already in a trade.  anyway as the market has rallied off the lows that condition is gone again, however it could come back should the market sell back down again this afternoon, so early heads up

    Matt, thanks for heads up.

    Posted by junkie on 30th of Jan 2020 at 03:31 pm

    Matt, thanks for heads up. Is there an objective entry on the short side today as well for a swing lower? Today's dead cat bounce is not going far, IMO. Thanks!

    junkie - the short systems

    Posted by matt on 30th of Jan 2020 at 03:44 pm

    junkie - the short systems are really tough to trigger, nothing even close.  rely on your triggers, we have a lot going on right now


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