fibbtrader - thanks a bunch for the nice feedback!  So we have 1000's of charts saved. We don't include all these because the newsletters are already so long. You wouldn't believe how many people try the service for a few days and want to leave saying there's too much. I always tell them give it time, treat us like a smorgasbord buffet were you pick and choose the stuff that fits you (just like at a buffet you don't eat everything,hopefully, you eat what you like), the same thing here, there's something for all traders just use what fits your style, don't try to trade and use everything.  I think too many in the public are lazy and don't want to try and learn, that's why you guys who are hear trying to learn and work at it are above your peers. 

    Anyway I've posted all these indicators and more over time.  Maybe a good idea would be for me to put a bunch of chart links in a section. I did that in the past, but for whatever reason we don't have that page anymore. 

    in the mean time - use our nice search feature on the blog, try typing those symbols in, you'll probably find most of them as well as many variations of them

    thanks Matt for the tip.

    Posted by retirefire on 11th of Jul 2019 at 09:42 am

    thanks Matt for the tip. I like NYMO, NYAD and divergences

    for example when using the

    Posted by matt on 11th of Jul 2019 at 09:40 am

    for example when using the search, place the name in the search bar, and best to search by my name matt, for example with Nymo, here's the search results. Try this with all those indicators


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