my wife is Chinese as many of you may know.  I think China really took a step back with president Xi.  They always had censorship there but the country was opening up more and more with the previous president, but after he was elected was a complete reversal to that.  anyway I could go on and on, about my observations from corruption to fake food, shotty building i.e. buildings that are 3 years old that look like they are 40 years old etc but not enough time to do that intra day in a post when the market is focus.

    and regarding IP theft, the problem has not been just straight up theft, but the condition where if a US or other company wanted to do business and sell their product in China they had to give up their I.P. Intellectual Property. Company's still did it because they wanted access to the Chinese market but to me that never seemed worth it.  Anyway we'll see what happens with all that.  Yes obviously China playing the long game chess planning many moves ahead vs us who can't plan one move. anyway enough soap box

    I so agree.  

    Posted by hirahara on 27th of Feb 2019 at 12:09 pm

    I so agree.  


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