so much for golds demize

    Posted by RP on 20th of Dec 2018 at 08:51 am

    so much for golds demize jnug up 9.14% pre market. Gdx up nugt up dollar down. if dollar rolls over hard  gold is going higher. as i posted i sold my call contracts into the happiness yesterday bought back some later in day now we see .

    LOL don't get too cocky

    Posted by matt on 20th of Dec 2018 at 09:04 am

    LOL don't get too cocky on your trading, be humble, otherwise one day the 'market gods' will slap you.  Remember Trump boasting about the market early this year?  When he was doing that Steve and I were saying to each other, uh oh, he's gonna cause a major top in the market boasting about how good the market is  doing and BAM!

    anyway on GDX yesterday it only made sense to sell that overshoot  from the channel and on the Fed announcement which was taken bearish by the p.m.s. GDX fell almost 5.5% and was down 7.1% from the high.  You did good of course buying back near the close like you did.  But again be humble about your wins.  That's what I try to live by, every time I get over confident I get slapped by the market gods eventually.

    had I not been having to watch so much other stuff I may have shorted GDX on that channel break and reversal - you can see that it only slightly overshot that channel line then reversed hard.  That's the largest down candle on GDX in one day in years. 

    anyway there's support at the MA's here 20 and 50 which are now up sloping


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