I have ninja exit 30

    SSO trading system

    Posted by matt on 14th of Oct 2008 at 02:38 pm

    I have ninja exit 30 seconds before the close of the market

    I assume you mean 30

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 02:42 pm

    I assume you mean 30 seconds before the mkt closes 3:59:30 new york time -- correct?

    NOT 30 seconds before the SSO closes


    yep, 30 sec before market

    Posted by matt on 14th of Oct 2008 at 02:52 pm

    yep, 30 sec before market closes

    Did ninja get you short

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 02:59 pm

    Did ninja get you short at 1:15 new york time? Thanks

    they did not cross. ravuns

    Posted by matt on 14th of Oct 2008 at 03:09 pm

    they did not cross. ravuns crossed, mine did not.  Ravuns system has some filters that are not easy to automate and so I can't back test it.  There are no filters on mine so it's easy to back test since it is un-optimized.

    Matt: Is ninja entering your trade

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 04:14 pm


    Is ninja entering your trade at the open of the 15min bar or the close of the 15 min bar?

    A lot can happen in 15 minutes these days. Thanks

    If at the open -- does it show a cross at the start of the 15min period but by the end not cross



    in 99% of the cases,

    Posted by matt on 14th of Oct 2008 at 07:10 pm

    in 99% of the cases, the siganls don't occur within 15 min after the open

    I just noticed something --

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 03:16 pm

    I just noticed something -- my time table on esignal was set for 24hrs. -- This crossed me down at 1:15. . .  I just set it (time table) to mkt hours only -- I see there is no cross -- Thanks


    Posted by ravun on 14th of Oct 2008 at 03:26 pm

    to set it to dynamic

    For your system? Matt's or

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 03:32 pm

    For your system? Matt's or both? Thanks --


    there is no dynamic on esignal


    Posted by ravun on 14th of Oct 2008 at 03:37 pm

    has it.

    Look top left corner of my chart

    Thanks Ravun -- you have it

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 04:05 pm

    Thanks Ravun --

    you have it set for 24hrs. The 0:00-0:00 next to the word dynamic identifies a midnight to midnight time period. thus includes all the pre & post mkt movement into your moving averages


    Based on Matt's crosses i think he is using a 9:30-16:00 time frame and not including any pre or post mkt data into his moving averages




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