T4, I could but in

    SSO trading system

    Posted by matt on 14th of Oct 2008 at 01:44 pm

    T4, I could but in case I'm gone running errands and can't post, it's best to just set up a chart on your own, it's about the simplest system there is to set up.

    And again, personally I just have it running automatically so I don't even have to watch it.  That's the beauty of automatic systems, just let them run on their own.

    additional info to note

    Posted by matt on 14th of Oct 2008 at 02:06 pm

    The beauty of an automatic system one where the computer trades for you, I can leave for the day and as long as I leave the computer on, it will trade for me.


    One thing to note about the system, as you can see from the graph and the chart table below, the results over the last couple months are higher than normal; this is due to the recent extreme volatility in the market.  Normally the gains are not that much, they tend to average 5 - 8% a month, not 17% and 18%, not a get rich quick thing, but not bad either for now work


    SSO system Graph

    SSO system table monthly results


    I used to have a system with SKF and SRS, and the returns were crazy, but they didn't work as well when the short rule was in place, however now I might have to look at those two ETF's again since they are so volatile anyway.

    sso system

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 02:36 pm


    Are you taking a MKT on CLOSE or the 4pm price (the spy closes at 4:20 so the 4pm price is different than the mkt on close price -- i assume it's the same for SSO). During earnings season there could be some big moves in those 20 minutes.

    I see your net #'s are based on $100,000 per trade (not share size) -- therefore, your share size has been going up month after month.

    Are you executing it by dollar amount or share size? Just curious.




    I have ninja exit 30

    Posted by matt on 14th of Oct 2008 at 02:38 pm

    I have ninja exit 30 seconds before the close of the market

    I assume you mean 30

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 02:42 pm

    I assume you mean 30 seconds before the mkt closes 3:59:30 new york time -- correct?

    NOT 30 seconds before the SSO closes


    yep, 30 sec before market

    Posted by matt on 14th of Oct 2008 at 02:52 pm

    yep, 30 sec before market closes

    Did ninja get you short

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 02:59 pm

    Did ninja get you short at 1:15 new york time? Thanks

    they did not cross. ravuns

    Posted by matt on 14th of Oct 2008 at 03:09 pm

    they did not cross. ravuns crossed, mine did not.  Ravuns system has some filters that are not easy to automate and so I can't back test it.  There are no filters on mine so it's easy to back test since it is un-optimized.

    Matt: Is ninja entering your trade

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 04:14 pm


    Is ninja entering your trade at the open of the 15min bar or the close of the 15 min bar?

    A lot can happen in 15 minutes these days. Thanks

    If at the open -- does it show a cross at the start of the 15min period but by the end not cross



    in 99% of the cases,

    Posted by matt on 14th of Oct 2008 at 07:10 pm

    in 99% of the cases, the siganls don't occur within 15 min after the open

    I just noticed something --

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 03:16 pm

    I just noticed something -- my time table on esignal was set for 24hrs. -- This crossed me down at 1:15. . .  I just set it (time table) to mkt hours only -- I see there is no cross -- Thanks


    Posted by ravun on 14th of Oct 2008 at 03:26 pm

    to set it to dynamic

    For your system? Matt's or

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 03:32 pm

    For your system? Matt's or both? Thanks --


    there is no dynamic on esignal


    Posted by ravun on 14th of Oct 2008 at 03:37 pm

    has it.

    Look top left corner of my chart

    Thanks Ravun -- you have it

    Posted by powerchord on 14th of Oct 2008 at 04:05 pm

    Thanks Ravun --

    you have it set for 24hrs. The 0:00-0:00 next to the word dynamic identifies a midnight to midnight time period. thus includes all the pre & post mkt movement into your moving averages


    Based on Matt's crosses i think he is using a 9:30-16:00 time frame and not including any pre or post mkt data into his moving averages




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