Jim - there is plenty of info on the systems on the page. The XIV trade by nature is more volatile.  The XIV drawdowns will be exponentially larger than the SPY drawdowns and the returns if positive should be much larger as well.  The SPY second entry used to be to use SPY. But matt did the work and found a second entry being in the double long ETF SSO would have better net net returns. 

    You should absolutely look and read everything on this site including the Community comments on the system over the years (not the last few days ) to assess doing what you are doing. That is a very aggressive first trade for being brand new here. 

    Thank you soldado. I did

    Posted by langellj on 4th of Feb 2018 at 08:19 pm

    Thank you soldado. I did read the FAQ, and I must have missed the SSO part. I now see where it explains this second entry. You have been of great help. 



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